Lara Thompson

Yet another physicist doing ML.

Many years a data scientist after studying math and physics, now in Vancouver, BC.

In Vancouver because I love the mountains so near, prefer my snow up there, don’t mind the rain down here, and could not live in an un-walkable/un-bikeable place.

Machine learning because it felt natural after physics, closer to what’s important in everyday life, exciting in how powerful it can be, challenging in how badly it can fail.

Data Science because it combines math, programming, and problem solving always in context of what is really important, be that the real world, a constrained infrastructure, or a fickle market.

I care deeply about people and the environment. We need products and services that help people, not those that manipulate or merely distract. Technology that means less waste and not just more stuff.

Recommenders that connect people with what they might love but would never have found otherwise. Models that expose bias and can go beyond. Data that can stay private and still be used for training.

There’s so much potential and so much to learn. I link to things that I find most helpful in resources; in various posts, I’ll explore topics that interest me.

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